Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Highs and Lows

Still a loooong way to go, but I'm getting there!

I'm currently on VLCD 16 of R2P2 and I'm down a total of 22.6 pounds, which is awesome! But for over a week now I've had hunger. At first I attributed it to TOM, but he's been gone for several days now and if anything my hunger has gotten worse. So I'm upping my dosage. I currently inject 150iu every morning, but I'm going up to 175iu. I've held out as long as I can, but I'm worried my hunger will lead to a cheat.

And I don't want to cheat! Not this close to finally being in 240's.

In other news- I've blogged and vlogged about how I wish I'd paid more attention to my weight over the years. I purposely wouldn't write it down in any of the food diaries (how's that for striving for success?) instead I would just write down how much I was up or down. I don't know why I was so afraid to let people know my weight, but I was. Well, today I found yet another old food and exercise diary. Flipping through it I assumed I hadn't even bothered to use it, but I found exactly one week of 2008 filled out. And I'd actually put down my weight!

The reason I'm shocked is because it's a higher number than I ever remember being. I thought at one point I had been in my 300's, but wasn't sure. Well according to my food diary I was a whooping 317!

When I started the HCG Protocol in June of this year I was 291, and gained 3 pounds loading. So in 2 years time, on my own, I only managed to lose 26 pounds. A large part of that I'm sure is that I switched careers and was no longer eating out constantly. And I've been known to occasionally exercise, very occasionally. With the help of the protocol and my awesome Hubs and friends (Ame this means you!) I've already lost 43 pounds. Since June!

Shocked and awed? I am.

Happy releases, happy maintaining and happy loading to all depending on you phase!


K said...

You are making excellent progress! The difference in your body shape in the two pics is very very noticeable. Keep up the good work. You go girl!

lavenderdiva said...

I love your new pic! I can definitely tell a difference- You are doing SO great!

Incredible Shrinking Me said...

Wow! Awesome transformation so far!!! Keep it up! We both started at almost the same weight. Can't wait to see your final progress for this round!!! Happy Releasing.

helderheid said...

Excellent job!! The pictures really tell the story. What a difference!

You sound terrific - keep it up!

SmallerMEHCG said...

That is so very awesome. I am inspired by you. I hope I do as well. down 8 lbs so far. I am so very excited to finally get my weight under control. And blogs like yours show me it CAN be done.

Thanks for posting!